TV4ever New Edition

TV4ever for Chrome is Dead

Google has killed off all Chrome Web Apps. Tv4ever 1.x for Chrome was a web app. It will never work again.

Long live TV4ever 2.x for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Currently in rather closed, danish beta at Klik her for at støtte og teste TV4ever 2.x!


The sun is setting over Chrome apps. Google has decided to ditch Chrome apps, so before long you won't be able to install and run Chrome apps in Chrome browser. This also affects TV4ever.

But don't worry! TV4ever is not going to die, you will just have to install it differently. It's a little bit more work, but the good news is that the new platform will give us plenty of new opportunities and allow us to support more streaming formats than now.

We will soon update this page with installation instructions. You should already now bookmark the page so you can finde it easily when you need it.